Using ExpanDrive to Mount an HCP Namespace (via WebDAV)

September 03, 2018

Love ExpanDrive?  You are about to love it even more!  Here's how you can mount a Hitachi Content Platform namespace as a drive with it.

For this example, we'll be connecting to our vCenter namespace which acts as a content library for us.  We store ISOs, apps, drivers, etc. there and have it mounted as a datastore in vCenter.

HCP: Enabling WebDAV on a Namespace

  1. Login to the HCP tenant that contains the namespace that you wish to access.
  2. Click on Namespaces.
  3. In the list of namespaces, click on the namespace that you wish to access.
  4. Once expanded, click on the Protocols tab and then HTTP(S).
  5. Towards the bottom, make sure Enable WebDAV API is checked. Click Update Settings. Note the URL listed.

ExpanDrive: Adding an HCP Namespace via WebDAV

  1. Open ExpanDrive and click on WebDAV.
  2. In the Server field, enter the URL that you saw in step 5 above (ex.
  3. Specify username and password if required. For this example, we're logging in anonymously so we'll leave these fields blank.
  4. Last but not least, specify a Nickname so you can easily identify this drive.
  5. Once done, click Connect.
  6. A Finder window should open with the new drive in view. Note that there will be a data folder and a metadata folder since this is an object storage provider. You'll want to browse the data folder.

Enjoy!  Now you can browse, delete, upload, etc. easily.

©2025 Tyler Wright