The P-OLED screen in the Pixel 2 XL looks good but not as good as what you'd expect from an OLED-type display. Here's how to fix that. Believe it or not, a quick settings change will make your phone's display look beautiful!
- For this specific guide, we'll be using ADB so make sure you have it installed (download Platform-Tools package here). You can also use a terminal emulator on your phone but we're not covering that at this time.
- Must be rooted
- USB debugging must be enabled
- Connect your Pixel 2 XL to your computer over USB
- In a command prompt (Windows) or terminal (*nix, macOS), run:
adb shell
- Become root:
taimen> su
- Copy build.prop to your internal storage:
taimen> cp /system/vendor/build.prop /sdcard/build.prop
- Open /sdcard/build.prop for editing:
taimen> vi /sdcard/build.prop
- Replace persist.sys.sf.color_saturation=1.1 with persist.sys.sf.color_saturation=1.5
- Mount /vendor as read/write:
taimen> mount -o rw,remount /vendor
- Copy your new build.prop back to /system/vendor:
taimen> cp /sdcard/build.prop /system/vendor/build.prop
- Reboot your phone
Once the phone has booted, you should see an extreme difference in quality. Colors will appear much more vibrant.