NetBackup: Mark Tape Library Drive Online

March 09, 2020

If you're trying to use your tape library via NetBackup and you receive the following error, here's how to fix it!

All compatible drive paths are down but media is available.

First, let's view our drive and make sure it is detected.  As you can see in the last column, the drive is down.

root@nbu ~]# tpconfig -d
Id  DriveName           Type   Residence
      Drive Path                                                       Status
0   TLDIBMhcart311068... hcart3 TLD(0)  DRIVE=1
      /dev/nst0                                                        DOWN

Currently defined robotics are:
  TLD(0)     robotic path = /dev/sg4

EMM Server = nbu

We'll go ahead and mark the drive as online by using the full name of the drive.  Note that it is cutoff in the above snippet - we gathered the full name from the NetBackup management console.

vmoprcmd -upbyname TLDIBMhcart311068001389000

Last but not least, let's check and make sure the drive is now online.

[root@nbu ~]# tpconfig -d
Id  DriveName           Type   Residence
      Drive Path                                                       Status
0   TLDIBMhcart311068... hcart3 TLD(0)  DRIVE=1
      /dev/nst0                                                        UP

Currently defined robotics are:
  TLD(0)     robotic path = /dev/sg4

EMM Server = nbu

©2024 Tyler Wright